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Product Manager

RFID Golf was a startup concept I developed for my sophomore Entrepreneurship class. My team and I dedicated countless hours to researching and identifying the most effective solutions for golfers to locate lost balls. I proposed embedding a small RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) chip within each golf ball, allowing players to track their balls easily. This approach would not only help golfers save money but also let them focus on the game they love without the frustration of constantly losing balls.

RFID Tracking_edited.jpg



In high school, my friends and I discovered a a club called FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and decided to bring it to our highschool. Within the club, we developed innovative business ideas and explored ways to create valuable opportunities for our members and for local businesses. As the Reporter and Marketer, my role was to promote the club through social media and word of mouth, consistently working to recruit individuals with unique perspectives and strong ideas that would elevate our community.

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